a photo of crypto expert reviewer Garry Tan

Garry Tan

Garry Tan is a Managing Partner at Initialized, a seed-stage venture investor. He was formerly a partner at Y Combinator.

Reviews by Garry Tan

All coin and product reviews by expert Garry Tan.

  • Garry Tan on Decred Co-founder and Managing Partner at Initiaized

    Decred is a functioning test bed for how to do proof of stake with governance. Iā€™m a big fan.

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  • Garry Tan on Nano Co-founder and Managing Partner at Initiaized

    Nano is an interesting example for a future FairCoin: no premine except for a small 4.5% set aside for core team and bug bounties. No mining. No further dilution. Almost all coins were distributed quietly via captcha faucet to ensure wide initial distribution.

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  • Garry Tan on Ethereum Co-founder and Managing Partner at Initiaized

    If decentralized apps become the dominant use of cryptocurrency, Ethereum has two main moats: 1) API moat for developer ecosystem and 2) end-user moat around use of Toshi/MetaMask wallets. All would-be challengers will need to overcome those two early advantages.

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