Nic Carter on Dash

a photo of crypto expert reviewer Nic Carter

Nic Carter

Nic Carter is a partner at Castle Island Ventures, a venture firm focused on public blockchains. He also created Coinmetrics, a site that provides key metrics for crypto assets.


Dash is a cryptocurrency based on Bitcoin that is focused on instant transactions includes privacy features. Dash is hard capped at 18 million coins.

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Dash reviews by Nic Carter

All Dash reviews by expert Nic Carter.

  • 2019
  • Nic Carter on Dash Partner at Castle Island VC and Co-founder of Coinmetrics

    Dash remains fairly active both on the development side and the community development side. The plutocratic “governance” process continues to fund (mostly unproductive) projects with a pool of capital subsidized by 10% of new issuance. On the adoption side, Dash has been redirecting its marketing budget towards buying ads on planes (smart: you literally can’t look away!) and lobbying businesses in Venezuela to accept the currency. I’ll admit it, I’m pretty impressed with the willingness of the Dash community to stubbornly crusade about banking the unbanked… with an asset that exists to facilitate rent-seeking on a massive scale.

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  • 2018
  • Nic Carter on Dash Partner at Castle Island VC and Co-founder of Coinmetrics

    At current rates and prices, Dash masternode owners siphon $238m from the network per year. Just a reminder.

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