a photo of crypto expert reviewer Luis Ivan Cuende

Luis Ivan Cuende

Luis Ivan Cuende is co-founder of Aragon, a cryptocurrency project that aims to create decentralized autonomous organizations through blockchain technology.

Reviews by Luis Ivan Cuende

All coin and product reviews by expert Luis Ivan Cuende.

  • Luis Ivan Cuende on Ethereum Co-founder and Project Lead at Aragon

    Agree — Ethereum works vs. those shitty/centralized systems. Though multichained DApps will be a reality, probably as soon as 2018/2019, I think that's a different convo.

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  • Luis Ivan Cuende on 0x Co-founder and Project Lead at Aragon

    One of the most thorough governance roadmaps in the entire space. Excited about 0x

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  • Luis Ivan Cuende on EOS Co-founder and Project Lead at Aragon

    EOS is the joke that never stops giving — from their token sale to their 21 nodes controlling everything, and now to just one node running their election. A MongoDB instance would be more decentralized.

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