Matthew Green on Monero

a photo of crypto expert reviewer Matthew Green

Matthew Green

Matthew Green is an assistant professor in computer science at Johns Hopkins University. He co-created the Zerocash protocol, which is used by the ZCash cryptocurrency, and he was a founding scientist at the Zcash Company.


Monero is a privacy focused, PoW cryptocurrency that enables untraceable transactions through ring signatures. Monero launched in 2014 as a fork of Bytecoin.

πŸ”‘ 65%

Monero reviews by Matthew Green

All Monero reviews by expert Matthew Green.

  • 2019
  • Matthew Green on Monero Professor in Computer Science at Johns Hopkins

    Monero had one bug that happened to be detectable. But this is not the rule, it was a lucky break. The complexity will go up as they try to reduce transaction sizes (using more Bulletproofs) and increase the number of mixins to reasonable values.

    Full review πŸ’©


  • 2018
  • Matthew Green on Monero Professor in Computer Science at Johns Hopkins

    Monero is an awesome coin as long as you’re not putting any strong faith in its privacy guarantees.

    If you do, you’re dead. No joke. Not even breathing.

    Full review πŸ’©


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