MetaStable Capital

MetaStable Capital manages cryptoasset hedge funds. It invests only in underlying digital currencies, not companies, and looks to invest on a value basis for the long term.

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Reviews by MetaStable Capital people

Cryptocurrency reviews from the executives, employees and alumni of MetaStable Capital.

  • Joshua Seims on Bitcoin Founder of MetaStable Capital

    Before 2009, no one knew how to create decentralized digital tokens with scarcity. Bitcoin showed the how it can be done, and this innovation made digital monetary commodities possible.

    Note the smooth curve that asymptotically approaches 21,000,000 coins. This curve will never change – it’s in the DNA of bitcoin. Even if miners centralize and change this 21M limit, the community would fork the code and restore “bitcoin classic” with the original supply. Interestingly, the message embedded in bitcoin’s genesis block reads “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”, showing Bitcoin’s intent of making monetary policy algorithmic.

    Many people see immense value in money that cannot be inflated or debased.

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  • Naval Ravikant on Ethereum CEO and Co-founder of AngelList

    Ethereum is worth over $100B and liquid, four years after founding.

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    Show thread Naval Ravikant on Ethereum


  • Naval Ravikant on Bitcoin CEO and Co-founder of AngelList

    The longer [Bitcoin] survives, the more people trust it as a store of value, the more the price goes up. As the price rises, it pulls in more hashpower (security) and more developers.

    A self-fulfilling, positive feedback loop based purely on survival.

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