a photo of crypto expert reviewer Bruce Fenton

Bruce Fenton

Bruce Fenton joined the Bitcoin Foundation in 2015. He was previously Managing Director at Atlantic Financial, and founded the Satoshi Roundtable in 2015.

Reviews by Bruce Fenton

All coin and product reviews by expert Bruce Fenton.

  • Bruce Fenton on Cardano CEO of Chainstone labs

    Cardano's rise is encouraging. In a sea of ICOs the market recognized & financially aligned with a project led by a very credentialed team w strong computer science & cryptography backgrounds who worked for years.

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  • Bruce Fenton on Verge CEO of Chainstone labs

    Verge had multiple algos at once and all kinds of security issues.

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  • Bruce Fenton on Bitcoin CEO of Chainstone labs

    Bitcoin has an interesting property in that it was ethically issued and has ongoing ethics in its distribution: everyone knows the rules and takes risks based on how the code works. Incentives are aligned

    Most other projects don’t even attempt to duplicate this level of fairness

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  • Bruce Fenton on XRP CEO of Chainstone labs

    I never cared about nor followed Ripple much, but their complete dishonesty about the XRP issue is baffling and insulting.

    Their lies are going to turn me from indifferent to an active enemy of the project / company.

    Full review πŸ’©


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