Bitcoin Foundation

The Bitcoin Foundation was created in 2012 to present an alternative perspective to Bitcoin's growing reputation for criminality and fraud. The foundation was modeled after the way that the Linux Foundation promotes the cause and adoption of Linux.

Bitcoin Foundation people

Top experts from the Bitcoin Foundation network.

Reviews by Bitcoin Foundation people

Cryptocurrency reviews from the executives, employees and alumni of Bitcoin Foundation.

  • Gavin Andresen on IOTA Former lead developer of Bitcoin Core

    I like to think the markets will eventually abandon tech-train-wreck coins (like IOTA).

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  • Bruce Fenton on Cardano CEO of Chainstone labs

    Cardano's rise is encouraging. In a sea of ICOs the market recognized & financially aligned with a project led by a very credentialed team w strong computer science & cryptography backgrounds who worked for years.

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  • Charlie Shrem on Steem Founder of CryptoIQ

    STEEM is a good buy. It just reached 120k signups with 4k daily active users.

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  • Charlie Shrem on Bitcoin Cash Founder of CryptoIQ

    You know when a network gets unstable ? When you primitively increase the block size. Taking the easy way out is not a long term solution and will be the downfall of BCH. History teaches us that scaling the right way is always better than scaling the easier way.

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  • Bruce Fenton on Verge CEO of Chainstone labs

    Verge had multiple algos at once and all kinds of security issues.

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  • Bruce Fenton on Bitcoin CEO of Chainstone labs

    Bitcoin has an interesting property in that it was ethically issued and has ongoing ethics in its distribution: everyone knows the rules and takes risks based on how the code works. Incentives are aligned

    Most other projects don’t even attempt to duplicate this level of fairness

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  • Gavin Andresen on Bitcoin Former lead developer of Bitcoin Core

    BTC is the Birkin Bag of crypto-assets. Expensive and rare with high transaction costs but huge brand value.

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  • Bruce Fenton on XRP CEO of Chainstone labs

    I never cared about nor followed Ripple much, but their complete dishonesty about the XRP issue is baffling and insulting.

    Their lies are going to turn me from indifferent to an active enemy of the project / company.

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  • Charlie Shrem on EOS Founder of CryptoIQ

    EOS is forgoing immutability and creating a bad precedent like Ethereum did during the DAO hack. What happens when a state wants to censor a TX? I thought the point of blockchains is [ensuring] that *no one* could have the power.

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  • Charlie Shrem on Bancor Founder of CryptoIQ

    So the Bancor can freeze accounts, create new tokens and block transfers. Why do they need a Blockchain again?

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  • Gavin Andresen on Bitcoin Cash Former lead developer of Bitcoin Core

    Just heard from another merchant adding BCH.

    I think we’ll see a wave of β€œdropping BTC, customer support costs too high” within six months.

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    Show thread Gavin Andresen on Bitcoin Cash


  • Roger Ver on Ethereum Angel Investor and Bitcoin Investor

    [Vitalik Buterin] is both a genius and a class act. That’s why I sold a portion of my BTC for Ethereum in addition to lots of Bitcoin Cash.

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  • Roger Ver on Bitcoin Angel Investor and Bitcoin Investor

    BTC a year ago 300k txs, now 170k
    LTC a year ago 2k txs, now 40k
    ETH a year ago 50k txs, now 750k
    ETC a year ago 20k txs, now 100k
    BCH a year ago 0 txs, now 20k

    BTC dominance a year ago 90%, now 45%...

    A substitute good is one good that can be used instead of another....

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    Show thread Roger Ver on Bitcoin


  • Gavin Andresen on Ethereum Former lead developer of Bitcoin Core

    Ethereum processes more transactions [than Bitcoin]. Has lower fees. And more p2p nodes. . . . [M]ore scale means more decentralization.

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