a photo of crypto expert reviewer Jordan Leigh

Jordan Leigh

Jordan Leigh is a full-stack engineer at ConsenSys, a venture production studio for Ethereum.

Reviews by Jordan Leigh

All coin and product reviews by expert Jordan Leigh.

  • Jordan Leigh on Decred Software Engineer at ConsenSys

    Zcash and Decred are both interesting alt-coins, but what's to stop Ethereum from just copying their innovations?

    [It's] similar to how big companies incorporate the best ideas from startups into their products all the time in other verticals. Bitcoin can't copy/steal good ideas bc of technical limitations and governance issues, but what's to stop Ethereum from doing it exactly?

    Full review 💩


  • Jordan Leigh on Ethereum Software Engineer at ConsenSys

    Stripe was so great because it was way simpler than PayPal for developers to integrate, but Ethereum is simpler than Stripe even.

    If you want your hackathon project to take payments, Ether is simpler than dealing with credit cards, PCI compliance, charge-backs, etc.

    Full review 🔑


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