
Zcash is a cryptocurrency that uses zero-knowledge proofs to secure anonymous transactions. Zcash has a fixed supply of 21 million coins.

πŸ’© 55%

Reviews for Zcash

  • Husam Abboud on Zcash Managing Partner & Co-Founder of PDB Capital

    From a non-TA perspective, Zcash stands out to be the most robust PoW - secure against "consensus attack." And if you look at the 51% attack cost to market-cap ratio, it's substantially more secure than the anything else on this sphere.

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  • Tony Arcieri on Zcash President of iqlusion inc

    I am excited to see how zero knowledge cryptocurrencies like Zcash interact with the extant regulatory landscape. I think it’s important to remember that these techniques provide privacy that (IMO) is a *requirement* for a *business* use case..... With zero-knowledge proofs, privacy and transparency are very much compatible. You can prove properties of transaction flows in zero knowledge.

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  • Emin Gun Sirer on Zcash Associate Professor of Computer Science at Cornell

    There are some nutcases out there who are worried about Zcash's trusted setup ceremony, which involved six independent sources of randomness, of which only one had to be correct for the setup to succeed.

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  • Noah Ruderman on Zcash Software Engineer, Facebook

    One of the worst PR moves #zcash ever made was to publicly discount projects with similar goals, repeatedly, when their technology was too early to practically provide their core value prop (privacy). It gives the impression that they are in this for the wrong reasons.

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  • Arjun Balaji on Zcash Founder of Shomei Capital

    The path that Zcash and other next-generation blockchains (Tezos, DFINITY, etc.) have taken is to set up incentives and off-chain governance processes to align early contributors and help guide the project from infancy to adulthood. While this trades off early on with decentralization, it allows for independence, time, and resources to be committed to more intensive research questions.

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  • Vlad Zamfir on Zcash Researcher at the Ethereum Foundation

    I like Zcash because I think private unmediated digital cash is incredibly important for a cashless society. They have more expertise with zk-SNARKs than anyone in the space (not counting the SCIPR Lab). Worst thing about Zcash is they want to call hard forks "network upgrades."

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  • Saleem Rashid on Zcash Security Researcher

    I own no Zcash because there's barely any shielded wallet support at the moment :(

    It seems pointless to use it for transparent transactions.

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  • Vitalik Buterin on Zcash Creator of Ethereum

    If I was doing anything seriously privacy-demanding, I'd probably go for Zcash first.

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