a photo of crypto expert reviewer Meltem Demirors

Meltem Demirors

Meltem Demirors is the chief Strategy Officer of CoinShares, a treasury management solution for crypto projects. She formerly worked as VP of the Digital Currency Group, and as a consultant at Deloitte.

Reviews by Meltem Demirors

All coin and product reviews by expert Meltem Demirors.

  • Meltem Demirors on Numerai Chief Strategy Officer at CoinShares

    Numerai could drive a market for Bitcoin - pretty compelling use case.

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  • Meltem Demirors on Dai Chief Strategy Officer at CoinShares

    Let's talk about today's MakerDAO / a16z announcement. for those who missed it, a16z's crypto fund bought 6% of Maker tokens for $15M, at a 25% implied discount to the current price of MKR....I'm sure people think this is a great sign for the project - being able to recruit high quality capital. but, i think this is a massive failure in governance and project management.

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  • Meltem Demirors on Dentacoin Chief Strategy Officer at CoinShares

    There are way too many projects being "tokenized." Not to pick on Dentacoin, but this token for the dentistry industry with a very obscure value proposition had a peak market cap of $2.1 billion. It's now 1/20th of that — but still too much.

    Most ideas don't need a token.

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  • Meltem Demirors on Tezos Chief Strategy Officer at CoinShares

    I believe Tezos is an important experiment in on-chain governance. While Tezos has many unique features that make it separate and distinct from other projects in the space, the one that’s least appreciated is its governance mechanism and approach to change... Unlike passively holding Bitcoin and participating in its price appreciation, Tezos is unique in that it requires users to participate in consensus or risk having their tezzies lose value due to inflation of the network. This creates lots of fun agency questions about how networks like Tezos, their governance, and their function may evolve over time.

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  • Meltem Demirors on Bitcoin Chief Strategy Officer at CoinShares

    [Bitcoin is] going to be what it has always been—open source money. Utilization will grow by push and pull. We’ll push Bitcoin to users by building truly delightful user experiences and applications—I see those being built, albeit slowly. And on the pull side, there will be groups of people who seek out Bitcoin, who are willing to overlook the current limitations and the learning curve because it’s a matter of life and death for them. Choice is an incredibly powerful and sometimes destabilizing force.

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  • Meltem Demirors on Bittorrent Token Chief Strategy Officer at CoinShares

    BitTorrent is an open-source P2P software client that does not use a token in any way, shape, or form. $BTT is a coin made by Tron to finance its own marketing budget.

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