a photo of crypto expert reviewer Jill Carlson

Jill Carlson

Jill Carlson is a consultant for cryptocurrency projects, including 0x, Algorand, Coinlist, and Zcash. Carlson formerly worked as a strategy lead at Chain and and as a Credit Trader at Goldman Sachs.

Reviews by Jill Carlson

All coin and product reviews by expert Jill Carlson.

  • Jill Carlson on Dentacoin Cryptocurrency Consultant at Juno LLC

    If you are buying Dentacoin, you are part of the problem.

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  • Jill Carlson on Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Consultant at Juno LLC

    Why will Bitcoin accrue value in a way that Ethereum won’t?

    Because in addition to being a protocol, it is a product.

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  • Jill Carlson on 0x Cryptocurrency Consultant at Juno LLC

    I’m a big fan of 0x and decentralized exchange.

    I’m also a big fan of enabling unique new things using this technology.

    I’m not a big fan of pretending old school financial engineering is one of those unique new things.

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  • Jill Carlson on Monero Cryptocurrency Consultant at Juno LLC

    Like Bitcoin before them, the assets that have met a real economic need have done so by enabling a form of ownership or transaction that was not previously possible. Zcash and Monero, which both implement privacy as a feature of transactions, are good examples of this.

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